FESCO Bill Calculator - Check Online

To calculate your FESCO bill online, you just have to enter units consumed during a month. Only by doing this, the Calculator will accurately generate your monthly FESCO bill which will be nearest to your actual bill.


Please enter units to calculate electricity cost.

How to Use the FESCO Online Bill Calculator

  • Enter the units you have consumed in Moth and hit Calculate button.
  • The nearest bill with the formula will get displayed.
  • The bill includes the nearest amount of your actual bill including all the taxes induced.
  • Using the “Print” button you can get the printed copy of the bill generated.
  • Now you can see the new window for the location in which you want to print.
  • Choose and select your required destination from the list.
  • Now select the number of pages as per your requirement.
  • Select the number of duplicate copies you want.
  • You can also pick the color, type, and layout.
  • Click Print or Ctrl + Shift + P to get a printout of FESCO’s estimated bill.

About FESCO Bill Calculator Online

There are many services and features n the site which can be used by the consumer of FESCO. An online bill calculator can serve as the best available option on the website. By selecting some option and some click the calculated bill gets generated. The Fesco is the department that supplies the electricity to Faisalabad, and through entering units consumed in the month, a complete bill gets generated in a few seconds.

Unit prices are updated in the calculator every day. So the bill you get will be surely according to the new prices. Through all the considerations calculator will generate your invoice.

FESCO Billing Calculator Includes:

  • Connection Type
  • Off-Peak
  • Meter Rental
  • Service Rental
  • Arrears
  • Televisions Fee
  • Sales Tax
  • VAT
  • Excise Duty
  • Further Tax
  • Sales Tax 2014
  • AQTA
  • Income Tax

Reduce FESCO Bill

Every consumer wants to pay less amount of bill, and you can avail that too. By using high-quality cables less amount of electricity is used, hence resulting in less amount of FESCO bill. Cheap and low-quality of bills impact highly on the amount of electricity.

Benefits of a FESCO Bill Estimator

Through the FESCO bill estimator, several consumer benefits would be gained.

  • Generate the FESCO electricity bill in seconds.
  • Receive limited liability protection


How is FESCO Bill Calculated?

FESCO bill is calculated through general calculation of unit tariff which is being implemented in Pakistan. The Total number of units consumed gets multiplied by the rate of units respective to the tariff. Exclusions for certain categories and additional bill add-up will provide the exact bill amount.

How to Check FESCO Meter Reading?

Usually, the meter shows a cycle or dual-rate meter, and to read the meter reading consumer has to read the number for tariff shown on the meter.